Commercializing Technology
We are a technology development company, focused on promoting sustainability and growth of industrial sectors, creating innovation products that bring technological progress to verious areas.
AR Technology
We develop software and hardware technology integrating artificial intelligence and augmented reality systems, which provide innovative solutions.
We provide experiences and technological development, through the digitalization of the agro-industrial sector. Focused on improving people’s quality of work.
Organic Civil Engeniering
We transform civil engineering through electronics and robotics, with the purpose of providing alternatives for sustainable growth.
Our Company
We are a Japanese company that combines the wisdom of Colombia and Japan. Based in Japan, we will expand our business worldwide. Our goal is to bring technological progress to verious areas, through our three areas of action, among which is the integration of augmented reality technologies, the development of technology that allows digitalization in agro-industrial processes and the commitment to innovative and sustainable methods of civil engineering.
we are working together with internationally recognized institutions, such as the OIST – Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University -. Our headquarters is located in OIST. The actula operation is in the suburbs of Tokyo and the development team is is Colombia. In addition we have support from verious institutions such as the embassy of Colombia and JETRO.

Small Businesses and Open Innovation -What Are The Keys To Success?
JETRO Global Eye. 24/06/2021
Open Innovation is a term to describe how companies combine their ideas and technologies with that from other companies to create new business opportunities. These days, Open Innovation is becoming more common among small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan.
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Startups connect mind and body to impact disease treatment
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University. 07/07/2022
Read our news story about 2 entrepreneurial teams that recently arrived in Okinawa to join the latest batch of the Innovation Square Startup Accelerator Program.
Anda product developed by a collaborative work between Human Bionics, OIST, Okinwa Perfectural Goverment and Tree Oceans.
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Executive Board

CEO APAC & North America
Wake Forest University School of Law(LL.M)卒業
Cardozo School of Law (IP LL.M.) 卒業

Tree Oceans独自技術の特許化に従事し、出願中である。

CEO Europe & South America
Human Bionics SAS CEO兼任
Javeriana University(プロダクトデザイナー)卒業
Pompeu Fabra University 修士(自動車デザインおよびエコデザイン)
フィアット、ロールスロイス、ジャガー、サンルーフなどのカーデザインやプロジェクトマネジャーはじめ、ヨーロッパ各地でエンジニア・プロジェクトマネージャーとして活躍。現在、コロンビアのHuman Bionics SASのCEOとしてパーキンソン病患者の歩行を助けるロボットやCOVID-19を紫外線で殺菌するロボットの開発を進める。
Tree Oceansの開発事業に、エンジニアおよびプロジェクトマネージメントとして参画。

From the development of innovative technologies our goal is to contribute to society, working with the SDGs of the United Nations, from which each of our areas of action integrates technology, seeking the well-being of people and the sustainable growth of various sectors of the industry.

Augmented Reality Technology
We patent and develop technologies using augmented reality(AR), mixed reality(MR), and virtual reality(VR).
We would like to alleviate the symptoms of difficulty walking in elderly people caused by a lack of dopamine, such as difficulty walking due to diseases of Parkinson’s disease, and difficulty walking due to aging phenomena.
We are currently developing wearable glasses to assist with walking and are currently applying for patent registration.

Agro Technology
Spread the word about Colombian coffee farms ~save the Colombian Coffee Farms ~
Colombia has rich land suitable for producing coffee beans.
There are many farms that grow very delicious and high quality coffee beans.
However, no matter how delicious the beans are, the life on the farm is not improving.
Even if high-quality coffee beans are produced, they are sold at low prices, and the money that goes to the farms is negligible.
We want to improve the lives of the people who produce the delicious coffee we drink every day.
With that in mind, we devised a system that would allow farms to sell directly to consumers.
Because coffee is sold directly from coffee farms, there may be variations in color and shape, and packaging may be simple.
This is a coffee bean sales tool that allows you to see the face, daily life, and work of the producers of the carefully crafted coffee beans.
コロンビアのコーヒー農園を広める ~ save the Colombia Coffee farms~

Organic Civil Engineering
Modern civil engineering is composed of inorganic materials and does not accept change. Organic civil engineering methods consist of inorganic and organic materials and allow for changes. In modern civil engineering, change is seen as a negative thing. Organic civil engineering methods promote stability through change and maintain sustainability. Furthermore, it also affects the physical properties of inorganic materials. Our company will contribute to the environment by constructing such civil engineering works. *Patent pending
現代土木は、無機物により構成し変化を認めない。有機土木工法は、無機物と有機物で構成し、変化を認める。現代土木において変化とは、マイナスとしてとらえられる。有機土木工法は、変化により安定化が促進され持続性が保たれる。さらに、無機物の物性にも影響を与える。弊社は、このような土木工事を施工し環境に寄与していく。 *特許出願中

An international company
As an expanding company, we are in different countries worldwide, with headquarters Japan, where we have offices in Tokyo and Okinawa, as well as branches in the United States and Colombia
Contact US
1919-1 Tancha, Onna, Kunigami District, Okinawa 904-0495
株式会社Tree Oceans
住所:沖縄県国頭郡恩納村字谷茶1919番地1 沖縄科技術大学院大学イノベーションスクエアインキュベーター
All rights reserved Tree Oceans